Sunday, October 16, 2011


Yes…this is the main reason I came to Seoul, and yet, have written next to nothing about it.
Why? ...
Honestly, I guess for me it is just something I find hard to accurately describe to everyone, but also, I feel what happens in the classroom should mainly stay there.  For me, learning has always been a private and personal journey, and I don’t think it should be any different for my students.  Also, I have been putting in a lot of extra time outside of the classroom, in order to improve what is going on inside of the classroom so I really don't wanna talk shop in these blogs or tell you how many Hyung Hee's and Jin's I have in my class, or explain to you how much my grade six students annoy me at the moment :)
What I will say is that I do love my job and am glad I decided to become a teacher.  It is the perfect career for me as it is rewarding and challenging all at the same time, and my students make every single day an adventure.  But don’t be fooled by what I say.  “Adventure” doesn’t always mean it’s been a good day.  I have had some really rough days!  Times where I wanna hop on a plane and fly home because I feel like I am the WORST teacher in the world and think to myself, “damn…I should have listened more in Prouty’s CR management class”… or days when I look around at my students in hopes of finding signs of any comprehension, but unfortunately they stare back at me blankly.
Being a new teacher or a new ANYTHING is hard work. I truly believe that most challenges we face arise from the things we are most passionate about.  That said, no fear...I am not giving up or flying home anytime soon.  I have sooooo much to learn and experience yet.
For those that I have been speaking to about coming over to teach, I think you’d be CRAZY not to do it.  TEACHING EXPERIENCE is still EXPERIENCE no matter where you do it.  Don’t listen to those who feel otherwise (you know who I mean…this fear that principals in Canada will think that ESL teaching isn’t REAL teaching, so they won’t hire you once you return to start a REAL teaching job). 
Pssst! ...I teach REAL children here at REAL schools!!!  Not the fake ones.   
Bye bye for now :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fun...Informative...Perhaps Useless Facts! All for your Pleasure:)

1) Never sleep with the air conditioner may not wake up in the morning.
2) Men and women spitting constantly. Why? I've been told it is better to get it out than keep it in.
3) I. Love. Noraebang. Private karaoke rooms where you and your friends can belt out your fave tunes.
4) The people here are so very helpful and kind if you are lost.
5) Cars, scooters, & motorcycles can drive ANYWHERE...even on sidewalks.
6) I love going to a family mart, buying a beer, and drinking it on the sidewalk patio furniture right outside the store.
7) Koreans seem to love saying "HI" to ME. (as was so kindly pointed out by some friends of mine lol)
8) This city is very clean (well I think so anyhow).  Not very much litter anywhere. People even rid of smoke butts in the appropriate spots. LOVE IT!
9)  I watched an older lady grab one of my friends breasts and jiggle them around in her hands while dancing in a drumming show. bahhhh
10) Apparently, my apartment is haunted. Thanks for the info past tenant that lived here. (this is sacarasm)
11) The number 4 is believed to represent bad luck. You will not see it often.
12) Leg shakers beware! It is believed this is bad because you are shaking out all the good luck...or maybe it is bad luck, I can't remember:)
13) Simple tasks take TWICE as long to accomplish here than at home.
14) Always take your shoes off at the front door.
15) Red pepper paste and beer gives you the WORST dragon breath. Monday mornings crammed on the bus is not so pleasant.
16) Korean babies are the cutest little things I have ever seen in my life.
17) K-Pop is brutal in my opinion lol
18) Hiking is fun...getting older is not:(
19) There are soooo many hiking trails here and many mountains to climb. But hiking here is quite different than at home...there are soooo many people on the trails here:)
20) My friends and I have made an observation and it must be said: Foreigner men want (and have) Korean girlfriends.
21) Banks here have the right idea: take a number, go sit down on the comfy couch and wait contently while greeter dude brings you a coffee.
22) day I was at the bank and the security dude was flinging his gas gun around like he was in an old western or something. AWKWARD!
23) If a bus driver is late on his route, don't get in his way:)... OR ...if on the bus already, take some gravol for the ride.
24) I have loved the weather here so far. Although, we have had some HOT and HUMID days, it has been beautiful. We'll see how the winter goes.
25) Bribery is your best classroom management tool here. USE IT!
26) Women! You must have broad shoulders to live here. If you weigh more than 115-120 lbs, you will be considered FAT and probably called it.
27) If someone thinks you are UGLY you will be called it.
28) Most store clerks will only sell you clothes if the item has 'stretch' in it.
29) The spiders here are really pretty looking.
30) Men must serve in the military for two years, age 20-22.
31) Soju is GROSS! It's a weird type of booze here that is popular.
32) You can get trapped in the doors of the subway if you are not quick!
33) Your alien registration card really is your KEY to happiness here. You can't get $$$, phone or internet without it.
34) Quail eggs are really good!
35) I like eating seafood tentacles.
36) Gotta love a good ol Korean BBQ!
37) The cost of living is more expensive here than what I had been told by others.
38) You could NEVER be bored here. There is sooooo much to discover.
39) Koreans are very proud people and respect their traditions.
40) It is easy to figure out and use Korean currency.
42) Learning to speak Korean language is hard, but Hanguel is much easier to pick up (alphabet).
43) Korean language sounds very aggressive, so sometimes it is hard to tell if things are GOOD or if things are BAD.

This is MY experience and should only be taken as such. Everyone has a different story or experience, or way of interpreting the things that happen to them. So PLEASE don't take this blog as the ONLY truth about South Korea because it is far from it. 
Also, some things that I've said may sound negative or unpleasant to you, and I want you to know that I don't mean them to be or don't take them as such.  One thing I love about Korean culture is their HONESTY...and please, always remember much of what they say and what they mean is lost in translation, and is said using the ONLY English words they know.  I'm sure I have offended a few people here by forgetting specific mannerisms that are really important to the culture. It's just about being understanding and tolerant.

Hope you enjoyed:)